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Photo Credit - Kelsey Biggs

Thatʻs me in the picture. I Am Roxanne, but most people call me Rox. I am a Life Coach who specializes in helping others who have also survived Domestic Violence.

I have been an ordained minister for 20 years, have performed lots of weddings, commitment ceremonies, and of course, have guided others back to who they are for real, using the Tarot, interpreting Natal charts, intuiting things from "the way out there" called The Universe.

I am a mom of three - they are the greatest three kids on this planet, at least to me, and my partner - he is the most awesome guy on this planet - he puts up with my weirdness (and lemme tell ya - I am VERY weird but hey - I gotta be me)

Photo Credit: Kelsey Biggs

My Story

Being born Hawaiian is great, but, there are times in my life that I recall when that much was all there was - that the only reason why things happened in my life is because  "that is how it is in a Hawaiian family...and that is how it will be, no matter what you want, in OUR family" was the energy that loomed, always, when I was a child.

Lots of strange and traumatic things happened throughout the course of my life, and most of it the opposite of what I was told. All that did was confuse me. The things that I know a whole LOT about are our  perception of ourselves, and the behavioral patterns that stay strong in families. The reason that I know this is because lots of times, what was being said to me did not match the actions being taken. This does lots of damage to a person. It can make them do things that make us wonder where they learned it from. In my case, the person who shared kids with me abused me. No one could figure out how I, specifically, ended up in such an awful situation. It took me, my children, and the help of my parents, to finally get out of it. Once that happened, more ugliness happened. When I hit rock bottom, I chose then and also to do like The Van Halen song "Unchained" states...I hit the ground runninʻ and did not look back. That was three years ago.

Today I am not the same person I was then. I do not have all of the same people in my life, and neither the same things. I can now tell other people what happened to me without crying. It took a long time for me to get to that point.

Healing came to me through me - not through a relationship, or some sort of herbal remedy, not through anything and anyone else but me.

Sure - those things have aided my healing and helped me along my Path thus far, but, it is all on me, and I Am here to teach others how to heal themselves, too...Mahalo for Being here - not on my website, but, on this planet...your presence matters, as do you....Aloha - Rox

Photo Credit- Kelsey Biggs

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